Get Started With Your First BlogBy:Aubrey Jones
There is no question that blogging is one of the best ways to get keyword rich content on your site, get your message on the search engines and get traffic to your website. But how do you get started blogging?When you consider starting a blog there are many options. A great way to get started blogging quickly (and for free) is to use an online ‘standalone’ service like WordPress or Google’s Blogger. These are free, highly customizable tools that support both new and more advanced bloggers. The negative is that you can’t use your website’s domain name. For instance, if using Blogger, you blog address would be something like ‘’ While you can link to this from your current website, search engines won’t know give you ‘credit’ for the extra content since it is a different domain. With creative cross linking however, you can still benefit from the increased exposure you can get from a blog.These free services provide powerful software tool that balance value, quality, and ease of use. While some people prefer to use more basic blog services, they too can truly benefit from the ‘built-in’ benefits of WordPress or Blogger along with its existing large community of users.One of the most notable benefits of these services is the ease of use, and advanced functionality of the service compared to some blog software applications. Neither Blogger nor WordPress require you to know any ‘coding’ and allow you to built and post to your blog with easy to use icons similar to what one would see in a word processing program. Having the ability to utilize a program like this allows people to create blogs that are as high tech, and complete as full blown websites.If you are occasionally ‘offline’ you can benefit from WordPress’s ability to import posts. This means you can put your blog together while you are not connected to the internet and then import it later. If you already use another blogging service such you can also import your posts directly into Blogger or WordPress.Another benefit of these services is their large widget or element and theme libraries that allow you to instantly add useful features, and professional looking styles to your blog. A very simple drag and drop interface allows you to add features such as an RSS feed with a few clicks.Another option to consider would be blogging software that you can directly integrate into your website. Some hosting provides such as GoDaddy allow you to use your existing domain name for you blog. The benefit is that the content of your blog becomes part of what search engines see for your domain. In these cases you are more likely to pay a monthly add-on fee to your hosting provider. As an alternative, Google’s Blogger allows you to publish to a FTP site, which means you can blog from your own domain. You lose some of the flexibility of the ‘out of the box’ service, but with a little effort you can have a customized template and pretty easy posting capability that resides within your domain.As your needs become more advanced or if you are a more technical blogger you may also consider blogging software that can be directly integrated into your website. One to consider is bBlog. bBlog is an open source, PHP/MySQL application. If you don’t know what the last sentence means, then this isn’t for you. If you do know, then you may benefit from the expanded flexibility an integrated application could provide.In the end, you have a wide, wide range of very inexpensive (or free) options to get started.
e hënë, 5 janar 2009
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Perkenalkan kami dari PT.NASAKA INDOASIA ABADI, adalah sebuah Perusahaan yang bergerak di bidang Expedisi International Freight Forwarders untuk pengurusan Import kepada kepabean (PPJK). Baik via laut maupun via udara yang berdomisili di Jakarta dan kami siap membantu segala kebutuhan yang berhubungan dengan proses Kepabeanan, Customs Clearance, Borongan (All in) Door To Door Undername Import - Expor, Domestic maupun Transportasi barang ke seluruh wilayah Indonesia dan Internasional.
I. Jasa Customs Clearance
Adapun kegiatan / layanan utama kami saat ini adalah sebagai berikut :
- Under Name Export & Import Udara
- Under Name Export & Import Laut FCL/ LCL
- Customs Clearance kedua Laut dan kargo Udara ( Ex-Lisensi)
- Transportasi Laut FCL/ LCL
- Import Borongan (all in)
- Jasa Import Door To Door
- Cargo pengawasan
- Pergudangan dan penyimpanan
- Penyelesaian biaya / tagihan asuransi, biaya angkutan ( Darat, Laut, Udara) dan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan Export & Import.
II. Jasa Undername
Agar dapat terlaksananya kegiatan importasi diperusahaan Bapak/Ibu yang belum memiliki Lisensi Import
Jika Perusahaan Bapak/Ibu belum mempunyai IZIN IMPORT (API, NIK atau izin lainnya) dapat menggunakan Undername Perusahaan kami sebagai Consignee.
Fasilitas Undername yang kami sedia:
- N P W P
- A P I-U
- S R P/N I K
- N P I K
- IT Elektronik
- BAG IV ( HS NO. 1601 s/d 2403 ) Bahan Makanan & Minuman
- BAG V ( HS NO. 2501 s/d 2716 ) Produk Mineral
- BAG VI ( HS NO. 2801 s/d 3826 ) Bahan Kimia ( Chemical )
- BAG VII ( HS NO. 3901 s/d 4017 ) Plastik & Barang dari Plastik
- BAG X ( HS NO. 4701 s/d 4911 ) Kayu mekanik
- BAG XI ( HS NO. 5001 s/d 6310 ) Textile & Barang Textile
- BAG XII ( HS NO. 6401 s/d 6704 ) Karet atau plastik
- BAG XIII ( HS NO. 6801 s/d 7020 ) Batu & Produk Keramik
- BAG XIV ( HS NO. 7101 s/d 7118 ) Logam mulia ( Besi & Baja )
- BAG XV ( HS NO. 7201 s/d 8311) Besi dan besi cermin
- BAG XVI ( HS NO. 8401 s/d 8548 ) Mesin & Peralatan Mekanis
- BAG XVII ( HS NO. 8601 s/d 8908 ) Kendaraan & Perlengkapannya
- BAG XVIII ( HS NO. 9001 s/d 9209 ) Lensa dan cermin
- BAG XXI ( HS NO. 9701 s/d 9803 ) Seni & Kolektor
- BAG XX ( HS NO. 9401 s/d 9619 ) Hasil Pabrik
III. Jasa Transportasion
PT.NASAKA INOASIA ABADI ,melayani pengiriman/distribusi barang domestics ke-seluruh Nusantara
Covarage Area Distribusi Domestics PT. nasaka indoasia abadi, adalah:
Jakarta- Jawa Bali - Sumatera Kalimantan-
Via Darat, Laut, Udara, dan kami juga mempunyai cabang di beberapa daerah.
Catatan :
- Jasa yang kami ajukan sudah termasuk biaya Transfer EDI (PIB) dan Pemeriksaan Jalur Merah.
- Bila barang tidak sesuai dengan pemberitahuan/ Packing list diluar tanggung jawab kami.
Adapun daerah operasional Kami sebagai berikut:
- Bandara Internasional Soekarno-Hatta
- Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok ( Jakarta )
- Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak ( Surabaya )
- Pelabuhan Tanjung Emas ( Semarang )
- Pelabuhan Belawan ( Medan )
Demikian penawaran ini kami sampaikan, Besar harapan kami semoga penawaran ini dapat terwujud dalam bentuk kerjasama, sehingga dapat menguntungkan kedua belah pihak. Atas perhatian dan kerjasamanya kami ucapkan terima kasih.
Salam dan Hormat kami,
Nen Arizal
Hp : 081285509798
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Head Office :
Graha EMRE Lt.02 Room 303
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Phone : +62-21 800 5988 (Hunting)
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